Anna Santangelo
Jewelry Designer, Stylist
Dojo Portrait

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Hannah Kuhlmann

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WHAT ARE YOU THE MOST PROUD OF INYOUR SPACE? The community of friends and creatives that exist in our studio. When someone leaves, it’s always a process to find someone new, but it is something that is super important for the balance and energy to feel right in the space.

HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO CREATE YOUR MOST AUTHENTIC QUALITY WORK? I make things that I would like to wear and make pieces that are also inspired by people that I love around me. I’m also very specific about the people I shoot for my collections — whether that be a close friend or someone with a strong sense of character. I hope working in this personal and intuitive way creates authenticity in my work.

WHAT’S THAT ONE PRACTICE THAT HAS CHANGED YOUR LIFE THAT YOU WANT TO SHARE WITH US?  Taking it slow in the morning — we have a studio in New York and Berlin, so working with my assistant with a six-hour time difference is crucial to starting work a bit later in the day. A bit tricky sometimes not to get trapped working late, though!

Do you work and live in the same place? If so, how does this work for you? When I first started Santangelo, I was making pieces in my living room in New York. These days I keep my living and workplace separate. I don’t know how I worked so long without a studio space; I love it so much, and I think the separation between the two is crucial to approaching work each day with a clear and calm mind.

Describe your ideal workspace  Light, good music on the radio, the perfect balance between calm, and clean and plenty of materials/images around me to keep me visually inspired.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given? Something that my dad likes to remind me; Life is full of failing and feeling like you’re falling; just make sure you’re falling in a forward direction.

What is your favorite unrealized project?  A music project I’m currently working on with my boyfriend Jack. Santangelo is very much inspired by music and its subcultures, so I am excited to work on a project that marries the two worlds.

Carlotta Phelan